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[E] GoldenPig009
[E] GoldenPig009
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over 2 years ago
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Ok, thank you.
over 2 years ago
I understand what you mean, but will I never get unbanned?
over 2 years ago
Username:GoldenPig009 date banned: 12/31/2022 Reason: Ban evasion, alt of banned player Everyone thinks I am Poggerchampers_ alt account becuase we have the same ip. I am just his sibling and some original mods know that. I said "sussy amogus" before being banned, they used that against me saying " that's something that poggers would say" Im sure poggers is not the only person who knows about among us and is allowed to say that. Anytime I say something that is somewhat simalair to things poggers says they use that against me, after all he is my sibling so we may say simialar things since we are siblings so we spend time together. u little sussy imposters. Poggers has changed now for the better, but im not asking that you unban him, just me since i know poggers once caused alot of trouble on this server you guys may not be as willing to unban him, but i have never broken a rule. In fact i feel like i deserve an apology becuase i have never broken a rule yet you guys have banned me from the discord for simply saying something about among us, I wasnt even trolling, at the time i was just very obssesed with among us, yet you guys took that as a sign that i was poggers alt account. I wish i couldve just played on that server normally, but poggers had to break many rules, that shouldnt even have affected me, but just becuase i am his sibling you guys had to ban me too. Ive never done anything wrong so all i ask for is an apology and to be unbanned.
over 2 years ago